October 2024 ECC Neighborhood Meeting

Agenda & Announcements

Hello Neighbors,

Did you know that our team’s 2024 efforts are increasingly impacting the future of our neighborhood and even City-wide regulations? Learn more about our latest progress in this month’s updates and at today’s general meeting.

The meeting agenda is available here. You may attend in person at KMFA Studio located at 41 Navasota St, OR join via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85746914611

Thanks for participating in our community, and I hope to see you today!

Eric Pace, Chair

Table of Contents

Neighborhood Initiatives

Angel House / Homeless Neighborhood Initiative

Update: This past Thursday, City Council passed two important agenda items relevant to our neighborhood’s efforts:

  1. Authorized funding to expand HEART. The Homeless Engagement Assistance Response Team (HEART) conducts homeless outreach and responds to nonemergency calls in portions of Downtown Austin. The program is staffed by Urban Alchemy and managed by the Downtown Austin Alliance (DAA). This additional funding will enable DAA to expand HEART into portions of East Austin, including the entire East Cesar Chavez neighborhood.

  2. Food Management Plan and Planning Authority. “Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to identify and define leadership roles and responsibilities, as well as work with co-partners, to implement the Austin/Travis County Food Plan (Plan), including funding now and in the next fiscal year, and identify and prioritize Plan strategies to address racial inequities, displacement, food insecurity, food workers, and emergency preparedness.”

Background: Our community collectively sent a detailed letter to Mayor Watson, City Manager Broadnax, and City Council outlining shared concerns and requesting immediate support for the ECC neighborhood. The letter was endorsed by a broad cross-section of our community, including members from 25 small business and non-profit organizations, and included 50 impact statements. Our team is now meeting monthly with David Gray, Homeless Strategy Officer, to discuss progress and share feedback.

1515 East Cesar Chavez Noise Pollution

Update: Thanks to the efforts of our neighbor, Michael Waddell, City Council passed a resolution “requesting a study and recommendations related to regulating noise pollution created by machinery.” This resolution empowers City Staff to formally review and recommend code changes that should address the current burden at 1515 E. Cesar Chavez, as well as address commercial noise issues across the City.

Background: Many residents in the Willow-Spence neighborhood are experiencing noise disruption due to recently activated roof-top HVAC systems from the new commercial development at 1515 E. Cesar Chavez. To help address this issue effectively, our team conducted a survey and led outreach efforts across the neighborhood. Michael Waddell, Land Use Chair, presented the results at City Council in August. You can read more about Michael Waddell’s presentation here.

Hybrid Parking Initiative

Update: ECC will discuss the latest draft plan at the November general meeting.

Background: The ECC Team is working with the City to develop a “hybrid” parking zone to help alleviate parking challenges across the ECC neighborhood. For more details on the initiative, please see the previous presentation here. Work is underway to submit a comprehensive neighborhood parking plan to the City this Fall for implementation in Q1 2025.

Land Use Updates

Christ Church Rezoning Request

Update: Christ Church hosted a small group planning workshop with local residents on October 7, and Rector Matt Dampier will share the results and next steps for Christ Church at today’s meeting.

Background: Christ Church is proposing to rezone both the Church and parking lot across the street to create more space for their congregation and the community. Following an initial round of community feedback, the Church changed the parking lot’s requested zoning from DB90 to commercial mixed-use. The latest application details are available here in the Church’s presentation.

1307 & 1309 E 4th Street Rezoning Request

Update: The applicant has updated the proposal with a more comprehensive plan for the block and two different height elevation options, which we will discuss at today’s meeting.


  • The applicant initially sought to change the zoning from Live/Work Flex to TOD Mixed Use with a maximum height of 60 feet. 15% of the square footage is dedicated to affordable housing. The Planning Commission approved the zoning case on June 11.

  • The adjacent neighbors prepared a presentation and initiated a zoning petion in opposition.

  • The applicant requested a postponement of the City Council agenda item to evaluate options before updating the neighborhood.

Announcements & Events

Festival Beach Food Forest Planting Celebration

Fall Music on the Trail Series

  • Fall Music on the Trail Series: October 23 is the final week of the Fall Music on the Trail series at the new Rainey Street Trailhead from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Bring a blanket, relax on the lawn, and enjoy live performances by local Austin musicians, LOU PRIEST.

Upcoming 2024 ECC Neighborhood General Meeting Dates

November 20
December 18